Sunday, November 13, 2011

.orzo pasta salad.

This recipe is pure bliss and just makes you feel heathy from the inside out. My mom got this recipe from a friend at work and it would be perfect as a side dish or even as a main meal, like we did by putting it on a bed of salad. Enjoy!

Orzo pasta – 2 cups
Cucumber – chopped
Tomato – chopped or cherry tomatoes cut in half or quarters
Crumbled goat cheese – also work with crumbled feta
Tuna- I used tuna but works with boiled or grilled shrimp too

3 fresh lemon squeezed and also grated lemon peal
2 cloves of garlic : grated
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Salt and Pepper
Dill (dry or fresh)
¾ table spoon of soy sauce (lite sodium so it) just a splash so it doesn’t over whelm
*equal parts lemon juice vs Olive oil*

Boil orzo pasta in salted water to “al dente”…. Drain pasta
Drizzle a little bit of white truffle oil or olive oil (so the pasta doesn’t stick together and soaks up the truffle oil aroma)
Once pasta cools down add the chopped vegetables of your choice and tuna and toss in dressing
Chill in the fridge. Before serving toss with arugula

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